Wednesday 25 April 2018

Building Clocks!

Today the students worked in partners to make their own clocks. The only thing I gave them was a hula hoop. I told them they could use anything they wanted in the room (spare parts, g.o.o.s paper, markers, etc.).  After they made their clocks, they used them to make different times and challenge their partner to guess the time. Check out these cool clocks!

Monday 23 April 2018

Chickens Aren't the Only Ones!

Chicken Unit - Week #2!

The eggs have been incubating for 8 Days in our classroom incubator ('Momma Hen.')  We will candle the eggs again this week. Hopefully we will see blood vessels in some of the lighter coloured eggs. This batch of eggs is really difficult to candle due to the fact that they are so colourful and some of the colours are very dark!  Today we read the book 'Chickens Aren't the Only Ones' by Ruth Heller. Then we did a sorting activity where we sorted animals into two categories: ones that lay eggs (oviporous) and ones that do not. Here are some of the things that the children shared today about what they have learned so far:
"It takes 21 days for a chick to hatch." Arjenne
"Only hens lay eggs." Antonio
"The hen keeps the eggs warm.....or our classroom incubator." Dayna
"In order for a chick to grow inside an egg, a rooster needs to fertilize the egg." Evan
"A hen lays about 300 eggs per year." Omar

Monday 16 April 2018

Egg Arrival Day!

The students were so excited this morning when they came to class because today is ARRIVAL DAY!  We have received 30 fertilized chicken eggs from local farmer Shawn. The students were very excited to discover that chicken eggs come in so many different colours!  We have green eggs, brown eggs, a speckled egg, beige eggs and only 1 white egg! The eggs have been placed in the incubator pointy side down and numbered 1-30. The temperature in our incubator is steady at 99.5 degrees F. We will plug in the egg turner tomorrow which helps to keep the eggs warm on all sides. Tomorrow our student scientists will record all of their observations in their chick journals (number of eggs, colours, etc.).  In math class, we will work through an 'egg' addition word problem using pictures, numbers and words.  In Language class, we will be introduced to the remainder of the chick unit vocabulary that was in the newsletter that was sent home (we did the first half last week). We continue to record our thinking on our ''I Wonder' and 'I Have Learned' posters.

Sunday 15 April 2018


Image result for book fair

Just a reminder to everyone, that our grade 1 class will be visiting the Book Fair on Tuesday April 17th in the morning.  If you are sending in money for your child to spend at the book fair, please make sure it is in a resealable bag or change purse, etc., and is clearly marked with their name. Thank-you!

Thursday 12 April 2018

The EGGS are arriving on Monday!

Image result for eggs - to hatch chicks

The children will be discovering how this happens. Already, they have so many amazing wonderings! We are all so excited here in Grade 1!

In Math, we have learning about fractions and equal parts or shares. Today, the students made jam and/or WOW butter (peanut-free) sandwiches with a partner. They then had to cut them in HALF, into 2 equal parts. We had so much fun! Here are a few snapshots:


Image result for kids playing in mud with rubber boots and splash pants

It is the wet and muddy season. Please make sure your child comes to school with rubber boots, splash pants and jackets. They want to play on the field and sandbox and need this clothing so that they do not come into class soaking wet with muddy clothes.  Thank you!

Image result for picture of book fair

BUYING day is Monday, April 16th! The students will be going to view the books tomorrow and will write a list of their wishes to show you.


Tuesday 10 April 2018


Deep Learning is happening in Grade 1!
We Are Hatching Eggs!

Dear Parents,
On Monday, April 16th, chicken eggs will be delivered to our Grade One classes.  As you can well imagine, the children are very excited about this very special hatching experience.  Over the next 21 days, the children will be participating in a number of egg and chicken related rich tasks including:
  • The Life Cycle of the Chicken
  • Egg Candling
  • Development of the Growing Chick
  • Parts of the Egg and Chicken
  • Egg Experiments
  • Story Writing
  • Non-fiction Reading and Writing
  • Reading fictional Chicken stories

The chicks will be hatching during Education Week, giving the children the opportunity to experience firsthand the lifecycle of the chicken and share their experiences with their families.

Over the next 3 weeks the children will become familiar with the following words.  There will be no Word Wall Words for the next 3 weeks.  Instead, the children can review the following Chicken themed words:
body bird beak baby brooder crack
chicken dry egg feather food fluffy
fly grow hen hatch lay nest
peck quickly rooster ready rest shell
wet incubator heat warm

Yours in Catholic Education,
The Grade One Team